Sunday, September 6, 2015

Violet with Gray's Anatomy Nail Polish

Violet with Gray's Anatomy Nail Polish

Day 6 of the 31 Day Challenge is violet nails.  I wasn't sure about what shade of violet it needed to be so I looked at what other bloggers have done for this prompt in the past and it seemed like most shades of purple would do.  I decided I'd share a mani where I paired a violet color with a nail polish by Wet n Wild called "Gray's Anatomy."  The Gray's Anatomy polish is a very interesting shade.  It seems more purple than gray and also has somewhat of a metallic look.  The color looks different depending on how the light is hitting it. I added some hearts to them with the violet polish. Unfortunately I didn't get the best photo of these with the hearts on them but here's what I have! 

Violet hearts with Wet n Wild Gray's Anatomy Nail Polish

Violet with Wet n Wild Gray's Anatomy Nail Polish

I'm not sure if they still sell this Gray's Anatomy polish but it's definitely one of the most interesting ones I own!  I like how it looks with purple and violet shades.

The 31 Day Challenge (#31DC2015) is a challenge where participants do nail art inspired by 31 prompts and post one per day.  I won't be painting my nails every day but I'm challenging myself to try to at least post each day using nail art I have yet to share in addition to new ones I do.  Not sure if I'll be able to keep it up with my schedule but I'm going to try! Thanks for following along!


  1. The color reminds me of cellophane a bit because when you hold it up to the light you see different colors. Same thing with oil if you've ever seen a puddle of it. I think it looks cool!

    1. Thanks! I think it might be the most interesting polish color I own!


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