Sunday, September 13, 2015

Tigger - Tiger Animal Print Nails

Tigger inspired Tiger Animal Print Nails

It's T-I- double guh- er nails!  Day 13 of the 31 Day Challenge is animal print so I decided to try to do a design that resembles Tigger from Winnie the Pooh.  I painted my nails orange and then added black lines.  I made the lines a little messy hoping that it would make it look more like fur.  Unfortunately when I added my top coat the black got a little smudged but despite that I think it still resembled a tiger.

Tiger Animal Print Nails inspired by Tigger

Although I had Tigger in mind when I did these, I think these nails could work for a lot of things- to match other tiger print, Tony the Tiger of Frosted Flakes (they're grrreat!), or to support the Cincinnati Bengals.  I like how they went with my Tigger tsum tsum best.  :)

Tiger Animal Print Nails inspired by Tigger

Those are my animal print nails for the challenge.  I haven't done a lot of animal print in the past besides my dalmation nails.  I need to do more!

The 31 Day Challenge (#31DC2015) is a challenge where participants do nail art inspired by 31 prompts and post one per day.  I won't be painting my nails every day but I'm challenging myself to try to at least post each day using nail art I have yet to share in addition to new ones I do.  Not sure if I'll be able to keep it up with my schedule but I'm going to try! Thanks for following along!

1 comment:

  1. I think the blurred stripes resemble fur, so the top coat mishap doesn't seem like too much of a mistake. ;)


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