Friday, September 18, 2015

HPB Presents Candy Corn Nails

Candy Corn Nail Art

It's the return of candy corn nail art! I did this for two challenges- the 31 Day Challenge and HPB September Blog Link Up. The theme for 31 DC is half moons and the theme for HPB is fall/autumn. This was my first time I've ever really tried to do half moons and I struggled with it. I wanted to do simpler half moon nails with orange polish since I was going for a fall look but it didn't look right so I added yellow to try to fix it. Then it looked so much like candy corn that I decided to go ahead and add white to the tips.

Candy Corn Nail Art

I had actually been eating candy corn earlier that day so I guess it was meant to be because I was able to use them as a prop for photos. :)

Candy Corn Nail Art

The yellow part of the nail art sort of looks like half moons since that's what it started out as so I think it still works for the 31 DC theme.  Candy corn is one of my favorite parts of fall so it works for that theme too.  I definitely want to try doing half moons again- hopefully I can get better at it! Be sure to check out the work of other Hobby Polish Bloggers below. They are so talented!

The 31 Day Challenge (#31DC2015) is a challenge where participants do nail art inspired by 31 prompts and post one per day.  I won't be painting my nails every day but I'm challenging myself to try to at least post each day using nail art I have yet to share in addition to new ones.  Not sure if I'll be able to keep it up with my schedule but I'm going to try! Thanks for following along!


  1. I haven't done to many half moons either. But accidental candy corn-that's fun!

  2. Yay, I love how this looks! Half moons are tricky, I rarely do them.

  3. I hate doing half moons:( but I Love Candy Corn!!!!

  4. These are cute. Half moons give me trouble too, they can be tricky.

  5. What a delicious mani! :) Just be careful if you are handing out candy corn to kids on halloween, you may end up with a kid eating your fingers! HAHA, just kidding. These would be great for Halloween!

  6. I can't even, these are just so freakin' cute!!!!!

  7. Two birds with one stone! Very good played, milady!

  8. I've never tried candy corn before! Cute mani!

  9. Candy corn reminds me of Heimlich from Bugs Life. So maybe next time try adding him on the thumb so it looks like he's eating the rest of your nails. :)


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