Saturday, September 19, 2015

Galaxy Nails inspired by Epcot

Galaxy Nails inspired by Epcot, Spaceship Earth

It's day 19 of the 31 Day Nail Art Challenge which means it's time for galaxy nails.  I love how galaxy nails look so I was excited for this one.

I painted most the nails to look like galaxies using a tutorial by Lacquerstyle.  I painted my ring finger silver and added some lines to try to make it look like Spaceship Earth in Epcot...because that is where I am today! Today is my husband's birthday and we are celebrating at Disney World!  Be sure to check out my Instagram account for photos- I hope to take a picture of my nails there and to post it.  Here are a few more photos of how they turned out.  I'm really happy with them.

Galaxy Nails inspired by Epcot, Spaceship Earth

Galaxy Nails inspired by Epcot, Spaceship Earth

My nails with my Epcot mug.

Galaxy Nails inspired by Epcot, Spaceship Earth

Happy birthday to my husband!  <3  I hope he has a wonderful day!

The 31 Day Challenge (#31DC2015) is a challenge where participants do nail art inspired by 31 prompts and post one per day.  I won't be painting my nails every day but I'm challenging myself to try to at least post each day using nail art I have yet to share in addition to new ones.  Not sure if I'll be able to keep it up with my schedule but I'm going to try! Thanks for following along!

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