Saturday, September 5, 2015

Scrooge McDuck Inspired Nails

Day 5 of the 31 Day Challenge is blue nails so I'm sharing this nail art I did a long time ago but never posted here. It's nail art inspired by Scrooge McDuck's jacket!

I did this one shortly after a Long Lost Friends week at Disneyland during which you could meet characters that you don't usually see at the park. Lots of great characters were there but we were most excited about Scrooge McDuck and Ludwig Von Drake.  My husband and I were both big DuckTales fans (I loved Disney afternoons!) so we wore all our DuckTales apparel and got in the line to meet them. The line was long but they were worth the wait.

The next day I was still really happy about it so I decided to do some Scrooge inspired nail art and here was the result!

I kept it subtle but I think you can still see the inspiration behind it.  I liked how this design turned out and it is one that I will probably do again sometime.

That ends my 5th post of this challenge.  I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

The 31 Day Challenge (#31DC2015) is a challenge where participants do nail art inspired by 31 prompts and post one per day.  I won't be painting my nails every day but I'm challenging myself to try to at least post each day using nail art I have yet to share in addition to new ones I do.  Not sure if I'll be able to keep it up with my schedule but I'm going to try! Thanks for following along!


  1. Scrooge McDuck's jacket as inspiration was a great idea. I like the blue shade that you used. I remember dancing to the theme song as a kid, lol. I'm glad you got to meet them:)

  2. I wouldn't have put it together without Scrooge's pic (would've guessed Donald at first), but it's so spot on. These nails would've been perfect for one of our D23 Expo outfits this year. :)

    1. I loved those D23 expo outfits! One of my favorites you all have done. :D I agree it would be a good match with these.

    2. Thank you! :) I need to step up my nail game though. ;)


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