Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Flash Nail Art

The Flash Nail Art

This nail art is inspired by one of my favorite superheroes- the Flash! Day 1 of the 31 Day Challenge is Red so I thought this was the perfect day to share it. I did these for when I went to a panel at Paleyfest about the television shows The Flash and The Arrow.

I painted my nails with an old bright red polish I own, Maybelline Express Finish "Speedy Hot Tamale," and then tried to paint the Flash's logo on my ring finger.  I thought my nails looked incomplete still so I added some yellow to the other nails. I finished with a matte top coat to give it a softer look. I was a little disappointed with the result because it was a lot messier than I hoped and chipped quickly but it looked okay from far.  I definitely plan to try this one again!  Here's another picture of it on the next day when we were at Disneyland celebrating a birthday. 

The Flash Nail Art

Here is a photo of the outfit I paired it with when I went to Paley Fest. I wore my S.T.A.R. Labs t-shirt!

S.T.A.R. Labs Outfit

And of course I have to sneak in a photo of some of The Flash cast at PaleyFest!

The Flash cast at PaleyFest

That ends my first post for the 31 Day Challenge! (Note- Some time I'll actually try to paint my nails each day but for this year I'm just challenging myself to try to at least post each day.  Not sure if I'll be able to keep it up with my schedule but I'm going to try! Thanks for following along!)


  1. Very cool. I like the Flash too. Great idea to show these for Day 1:) Your nails look awesome with your S.T.A.R. Labs t-shirt.

    1. Thanks! That S.T.A.R. Labs shirt has become one of my favorites. :) I'm looking forward to the next season of the Flash!

  2. You should've taken a picture with your Team Grant Gustin bracelet too! :D

    1. Yes! I actually thought I had but when I went looking for it, I couldn't find the photo! :P I will need to do them again sometime so I can include the bracelet. :D Yay Team Grant Gustin! <3


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