Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Nails Inspired by Blue

Nails Inspired by Blue

I'm a day late for this one but better late than never!  The prompt for Day 21 is Inspired by a Color so I'm sharing this nail art that was inspired by my favorite color- blue!  I did these back when I had the ends of my hair dyed blue so I was definitely feeling inspired by that color at the time.  I used Sinful Colors polish "Why Not" for the lighter blue and Sinful Colors "Blue By You" for the sparkly darker blue.  I used the same tape technique I used for my Disneyland 60th diamond nails and my 5SOS nails.  I really liked how these turned out.

Nails Inspired by Blue

That completes Day 21 of the 31 Day Nail Art Challenge.  I'll try to post Day 22 sometime tonight!

The 31 Day Challenge (#31DC2015) is a challenge where participants do nail art inspired by 31 prompts and post one per day.  I won't be painting my nails every day but I'm challenging myself to try to at least post each day using nail art I have yet to share in addition to new ones.  Not sure if I'll be able to keep it up with my schedule but I'm going to try! Thanks for following along!

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