Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sleeping Beauty- Pink and Blue Nails

In my last post I shared my Maleficent nails.  When I did those nails I did Maleficent on one hand and then decided to do something simpler on my other hand (mostly since it was getting late that night!).  I wanted to try to stick to the Sleeping Beauty theme and ended up painting the nails on my other hand pink and blue.

I chose pink and blue because they remind me of the scene where two of the fairies in Sleeping Beauty are arguing over the color of the dress they're making for her ("Make it pink!"  "Make it blue!"). I did two of my nails with both colors.  I didn't use tape and just freehanded the two colors because the dress gets a bit messy so I didn't need a straight line.

This was really quick one to do!  I may do it again sometime!


  1. Really good for freehand. I do my nails at night too before I go to bed.

    1. Thanks! I like doing them at night too. I find it relaxing. :)

  2. Loved the themed hands to Sleeping Beauty! :)


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