Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Star Wars- Darth Maul Nails

This is my attempt at nail art inspired by Darth Maul from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace!

I did this mani about 2 weeks ago.  I wanted to try to do a design on my nails that resembled the one Darth Maul has on his face.  I printed out some pictures to use as reference and freehanded the black with a thin brush. The results were a bit messy and my triangles didn't come out quite right.  I wasn't very happy with them at the time but looking back at the photos, I think they were okay for a first attempt!

Fun little tidbit- this past May, my husband and I went to Disney World for our honeymoon and were able to check out Star Wars weekends at  Disney's Hollywood Studios.  We were pretty excited when we saw Ray Park there.  He plays Darth Maul in the Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace!

Ray Park!  (I love that he's wearing a Darth Maul button!)  personal photo

I'm a little behind on posting my nail art so I'm hoping to catch up!  I've got a different kind of post coming up next week as well!  :)


  1. I like it, its cool.Love the colors. I bet your honeymoon was great!!!

    1. Thanks! The honeymoon was wonderful! I wish I could go back! :)

  2. That is cool! We just had a Star Wars marathon over Labor Day and your nails would've fit right in! :)

    1. Thanks! Star Wars marathon sounds fun! I need to re-watch the movies sometime!

  3. Neat idea I think they came out great! Thanks for including the pic of Ray Park too.


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