Friday, September 7, 2012

IT Crowd Nails

This mani is inspired by a BBC TV show I love called The IT Crowd!  The cast is great and it always makes me laugh!  My favorite character is Moss played by Richard Ayoade.  When I heard he was in the movie The Watch I had to go see it.  After the movie I went home and started re-watching the series while painting my nails and voila!- I ended up painting IT Crowd nails!

The design might not make a lot of sense if you haven't seen the show but I'll do my best to explain!

The IT Crowd- Source-

I painted my nails green to try to match the opening titles of the show.  On my pinkie I painted a sea lion surrounded by fire- yes, seriously!   Without giving too much away- there is an episode where one of the characters tries to figure out how there could be a fire at a "Sea Parks." You see a sea lion on one of the DVD menus!

"A fire? At a Sea Parks?"

On my thumb I painted Moss' (Richard Ayoade) signature hair and his glasses.  Here's a close up of my thumb along with a picture I took of The Watch poster when I saw the movie.

If you haven't seen The IT Crowd you should check it out sometime! It's pretty funny!  Happy Friday everyone!


  1. How cool! I've never heard of the show but after you explained it, I can totally see your nails going with the show. You're so awesome Neri! :)

    1. Awwe, thanks Hope! :) The show is one of my faves! I can relate to some of the characters. haha. My sister introduced it to me a year or two ago. :)

  2. The show is so funny and it makes me laugh seeing that little seal on your pinky. I want to see the Watch when it comes out on dvd, Moss is quite silly. Great job!


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