Monday, February 3, 2014

Belle Inspired Nails

Today I have some more Disney nail art to share.  This one is special to me because it was inspired by my favorite Disney movie and because my youngest sister gave me the idea.

For Christmas, my husband gifted me some AWESOME nail polish... Burberry polish!  We wore Burberry shoes for our wedding so the polish was a great surprise.  It came in a gold box and was in the cutest bottle that had the famous Burberry check on it.

He picked a pretty gold color called Light Gold (No. 107).  I thought it would be perfect for New Years so I tried it out right away since New Years Eve was coming up.

Burberry polish

I added some gold glitter polish that I borrowed from my sister to the top part of my nails.  A couple days later that same sister told me that it reminded her of Belle.  I looked at my nails and saw exactly what she was talking about!  As soon as I got back to my apartment from my trip to see family, I painted a rose on my thumb to complete the look.  I love how it turned out!

I had this nail art on my nails around New Years but I think it would be great for February too.  I think they have sort of a romantic look.  Here's one last picture of my nail art with a lovely birthday gift I got from a friend of mine!

Thanks to my little sister for the idea!  She and my other sisters all inspire me everyday!  <3


  1. I like that gold color and it does remind of me Belle. I also like that it isn't too "loud" so it has that Belle-esque sophistication going for it too.

  2. Cute! I never thought of doing gold polish with gold glitter, I like it!

  3. Yeah it does have a romantic feel to it. So pretty and I like the idea of glitter on the top of the nail instead of the bottom. That's such a thoughtful gift.

    1. Thanks! The gift was a fun surprise! New polish is always fun to try out. :)


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