Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Once Upon A Time Poster Nail Art

I’m really excited to share this nail art I did recently.  I had a couple requests for nail art inspired by the TV show Once Upon A Time so a couple weekends ago I went for it!  I love the poster that has Emma in the midst of the purple smoke that is bringing magic to Storybrooke so I decided to use it as inspiration.  Here is the result!

I painted my nails a purplish/blue color called Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Sturdy Sapphire and then used a Q-Tip to paint the smoke at the tips of the nails.  For this I used L.A. Colors Color Craze Tropical Breeze.  By just using the Q-tip I was able to accomplish the smokey effect I wanted.  I wanted to make the smoke clouds look a bit more magical so I added NYC Starry Silver Glitter polish to it.

Here is a pic of my nails with a Once Upon A Time fan magazine I saw at the bookstore.  I thought they matched very well!

I decided I needed to add Emma in somewhere because the best part of the poster is the fact that she faces that mysterious smoke head on!  I painted her figure on my thumbnail using a toothpick.

The one thing I would change is I would add a sword into her hand.  Not sure how I forgot to add that!  I was really happy with the result though and may do this one again sometime!

What do you all think?

Not sure about you but I'm bummed that there are several weeks before the next new episode of Once Upon A Time!  If you want another dose of Once Upon A Time while we wait to find out what happens next, check out this Tumblr page!


Have a magical week!

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  1. Super creative, Neri! The colors are perfect and you did such a great job drawing Emma. :) I'm so ready for the upcoming OUAT episodes too!

    1. Thanks Victoria! I'm glad you like them. :)

  2. Your nails are so awesome! I love that you used that poster as inspiration. They turned out great. Definitely do another OUAT set one day. I hate the hiatus too. :/

    1. Thanks! And yes the hiatus is much too long for me! I'll just have to keep rewatching episodes until it's time for a new one! :)

  3. Aagggh I can't believe I missed this post?! My dashboard didn't show it until today. I'm so glad you did your nails like this, so cool. You're right the fact that she is facing the smoke is pretty awesome. I really like this, it's perfect. The purple, emma's jacket, all perfect. Maybe you could get a weird green polish and buy like a crinkle polish for Rumple hehe. And then something to represent Belle.


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