Monday, December 30, 2013

Doctor Who- 11th Doctor Holiday Nails- Bow Ties!

On the evening of Christmas day, much of my family gathered around the television to watch the Christmas special of Doctor Who.  We did this last year as well and it seems that it might be a new tradition for us!
Once again I painted my nails to go with the Doctor Who episode!  Since it is the holidays and we were going to be watching Matt Smith's last episode, I painted red and green bow ties and a fez on my nails.  Bow ties are cool and a fezzes are too!

We like Matt Smith so we were all eager to watch the episode but also not so eager since we think he's awesome and didn't want to say good-bye.  For Christmas, I received a stuffed animal version of Matt Smith as the Doctor so he watched the episode with us.

I'm sad to say that the episode was far from our favorite and we were a bit disappointed.  We still had a great time watching it together though and I'm curious to see Peter Capaldi's episodes in the future. Matt Smith was great so he has big shoes (or a big fez) to fill! 


  1. Your nails are so cute! I wore my new Doctor Dress on Christmas. My sister and I agreed that the episode was a bit of a let down. We had to watch it twice before we came to the agreement that his last hurrah wasn't much of a hurrah. Plus, we both really like him and Clara (yeah yeah we know he's married to River but whatever! :p) and all that chemistry and hinting around between him and the Impossible Girl went nowhere. *sigh* I'm glad you got to see it with your family. Also, your Eleventh doll's hair is creepy, but it looks way better than the wig Matt wore in the episode. lol

  2. Love the bow ties! I like how you made it Christmas-y too.The fez is adorable:) I was disappointed with the episode and a bit confused too. Hehe the doll is cute:P


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