Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mad Men Nail Art

Mad Men Nail Art

Today is the Mad Men finale. I've been rewatching episodes all week, mostly my favorites and whatever episode is on AMC when I turn on the television. I've always wanted to try Mad Men inspired nail art so I finally sat down and did it!

I knew it'd be a bit of a challenge. I looked around Pinterest for ideas and the one that inspired me the most was by I used it as a guide for my thumbnail on which I painted the businessman that you see falling in the opening title sequence. I used a toothpick to paint it. It's not as good as the Nail Nerd's work but I'm happy with it!  I changed it up a bit by doing a martini glass on one finger and a tux nail on another.  I also painted my pinky nail red and added some pearls. It'd been a while since I've done more complicated nail art- it was fun for me! 

So now my nails and I are ready for tonight's episode!  I'm looking forward to watching the Mad Men finale but I'm a little sad too.  I've enjoyed watching all these characters and their stories and am sad to see it come to an end! 


  1. Yay new post! That martini glass is so well done. I'm jealous of your letter skills:) I'm looking forward to it too. I'm curious of what AMC will bring in the coming year.

  2. Another clever nail art idea. I think they turned out great. My faves are the tux finger and the one that reads "Mad Men". I didn't watch the show, but I still know that that just screams out Mad Men to me.


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