Monday, November 18, 2013

Doctor Who- TARDIS and Galaxy Nails

This past Halloween like last year, I painted my nails to go with my costume!  Here's my nail art which gives you a hint on what my costume was!

This year my sisters and I all wore Doctor Who inspired costumes.  Each of my sisters dressed like Doctors 9, 10, and 11, so I decided to be the TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space)- the police box that the Doctor travels in.  I've seen several different ideas on Pinterest on how to make your own TARDIS dresses so after finding an affordable blue dress, I worked on creating my own!
I'm not the craftiest and I can't really sew but I was able to put something together using safety pins.  Since the Doctor Who 50th anniversary is coming up, I'll do a special post with details on how I made my dress later this week!  For now here's a pic of me in it!

I thought that a space/galaxy nail design would work well with my dress.  It's actually really easy if you use this tutorial:  Galaxy Nail Tutorial by Beautylish.  I used it once before when I painted my sister's nails and I really liked how it looked so I was happy to give it another try.  On my thumbnail using the nail polish brush and a toothpick I was able to add the TARDIS flying through space.

I may be painting this design on my nails again for the upcoming anniversary episode this week!  I'm really looking forward to watching it!


  1. I think that you are really crafty and creative! As the 9th Dr. says, "Fantastic!" I like the TARDIS added in. I am going to try this design soon, it looks fun and unique. You're costume is well done and the lamp added in your hair is too cute. Great costume this year!

    1. Thanks Marie! I liked your costume this year too! It was fantastic! :)

  2. So cute and so crafty! I did a similar nail color (black polish with sparkles overlayed) earlier this year but I never saw the similarities of that with Space until you said it. How cool! Love the dress!!


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