Thursday, November 15, 2012

101 Dalmatian Nails

Today I'm sharing what nail art I did to match my Halloween costume.  A couple days before Halloween, I went to Mickey's Halloween Party at Disneyland.  Everyone can wear a costume to these parties even the grown ups and we all get to trick or treat around the park!  My husband and I decided we'd be Roger and Anita from 101 Dalmatians this year.  So of course I painted my nails with some dalmatian spots!

I used a dotting tool for the spots and was pleased with how they came out.  We got compliments on our costumes and on my nails as well!  A guest dressed as a very convincing Belle even complimented them which left me awestruck because I love Beauty and the Beast!

I took a lot of pictures of these... Here are a few!

Here is how my nails looked with my Anita outift!

Want to read about my experience at Mickey's Halloween Party? Check out my post on my Disney blog: Mickey's Halloween Party 2012


  1. Thats such a cute costume idea! I think your nails came our great, the spots are just the right size. I love the hat. Which dalmation is that?

  2. Excellent use of Dalmation spots. Your nails really finished off the look.


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