Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Springtime Flower Nail Art using Pure Ice Happy Hour Polish

 Springtime Flower Nail art using Pure Ice "Happy Hour" polish

It's springtime which means bright colors and flowers!  I did this flower nail art for Easter this year.  I used a nail polish I recently bought called "Happy Hour" by Pure Ice and I absolutely love the color.  It's a very pretty shade of coral. I found it for less than $2 at Walmart. I liked the color so much that I didn't add anything to it for a few days until right before Easter which was when I added the flower on the ring finger.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Nails Inspired by Chip from Beauty and the Beast

For this year's spring Dapper Day at Disneyland I wore a look inspired by Belle of Beauty and the Beast.  To go with it, I used a tutorial posted on Disney Style to paint my nails to look like Chip from the movie.  I didn't like the outlining so I skipped that part.  I was in a rush to do them because I picked my outfit at the last minute due to weather but I think they still came out okay!  I hope to try it again sometime! 

Here's how it looked with the rest of my outfit.  You can kind of see my nails in the photo below:

To read more about my experience at Dapper Day be sure to check out my recap on my other blog My World Showcase!

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